
About Us

Tired with AI that gives you outdated travel tips? we were too. Meet LidoLink the world's first real-time traveler, crafted with ❤️ in Italy just for you!

At LidoLink, we believe in making travel seamless, exciting, and effortlessly connected. With cutting-edge AI powering real-time data, we're transforming how you explore the worldhelping you uncover hidden gems & stay ahead of the curve, wherever your journey takes you.

From pristine beaches to top-rated dining, from live weather updates to real-time transit optionsLido keeps you connected to what matters most—so you can experience every moment without a second thought.

Mind behind Lido

Co-Founder & CEO

With LidoLink, we’re bringing AI to everyday adventures, making it easier for you to experience Italy like never before. Our technology simplifies the journey so you can focus on making memories."

Co-Founder & CTO

LidoLink was born from a passion for redefining travel. We’re not just creating a smart assistant; we’re crafting a companion that enriches your exploration, seamlessly connecting you to the hidden treasures of Italy, one unforgettable moment at a time.